Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Adult Orthodontics - 6 Month Progress Report

Well, it has been 6 months since I got my braces and I have to say the changes I am seeing are dramatic. I created a couple of images to give everyone an idea of how much has already changed.

Below are images of my upper and lower arches - before and at 6 months into treatment. I have drawn a line along the mid-line of my teeth to give you a better idea as to how much movement I have actually experienced.

On each picture the blue line represents before treatment and the yellow line represents 6 months into treatment.

As you can see I have experienced significant change in both arches. I have experienced mild discomfort, usually on the day that I get a wire changed but it dissipates after a couple of days. Also, learning to floss with braces was a bit of a challenge, but now I am a pro.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Adult Orthodontics - A Patient's Experience (Post 2)

Well, I got my braces on last week. For a first hand look at the experience see my video on YouTube at I have already gotten used to eating with them on, although I did have to skip the popcorn during a recent trip to the movies.

I will have this first wire in for 9 weeks, then will be the first of 5 wire changes.

I am really excited about taking this step towards my beautiful new smile and will continue to share the experience with you all.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Adult Orthodontics - A Patient's Experience (Post 1)

Hi everyone! My name is Amber. I am 39 years old and did not have braces as a teenager. It turns out you are never too old to get the perfect smile you deserve. A couple of weeks ago I got my impressions for my first set of braces at Dr. Keith Harvey’s office.

At my age I am calling it a “brace lift” – since a straight full smile helps contribute to a more youthful appearance.

Getting the impressions for my custom braces was an interest experience. First Karla, one of Dr. Harvey’s clinical assistants, took x-rays and photographs of my teeth. Then, she filled trays with impression material and into my mouth it went. I was expecting it to be unpleasant, but it
really was not that bad – in no time at all we had impressions of both my top and bottom teeth. That ended my part – for now.

I had a conversation with Dr. Harvey concerning what our goals were for my “brace lift” – my primary problems are crowding and a narrow
arch. Our goal is to widen my arch, fix the crowding and straighten several teeth – the ultimate goal – a beautiful new smile in 12-15 months.

I will keep you posted as my treatment progresses.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Appointment Survey

We need your input about our current appointment times and the possibility of adding additional day/time availability.

Click the link below to complete the quick seven question survey and be entered to win a fantastic prize.

Entry for the prize drawing ends on March 31st.